A methodology for global citizen deliberation
World Wide Views is a global citizen consultation initiative. A World Wide Views citizen consultation provides decision-makers with a unique insight into the global public opinion on complex governance issues that are debated and negotiated at global venues, such as the UN.
Right now
The Danish Board of Technology welcomes ideas and support for new WWViews citizen consultations connected to global policy making processes.
Climate and Energy

The third WWViews project, and the largest ever global citizen consultation, held in 2015 with almost 10.000 citizens participating in 76 countries.
Go to websiteBiodiversity

The second WWViews consultation, held in 2012 with 3000 participating citizens in 25 countries.
Go to websiteGlobal Warming

The first World Wide Views consultation, and the first-ever global citizen consultation, held in 2009 with 4000 participating citizens in 38 countries
Go to websiteContacts

Bjørn Bedsted
International Director at Democracy X (formerly Danish Board of Technology) and Global Coordinator of WWViews
+45 3078 5171